CV Writing Services for all stages of your career
CV Writing Services for all stages of your career
A CV is like speed-dating but with less time
A CV is like speed-dating but with less time
Someone reading your CV is seeing you for the first time and they will want to find out what they need to
know as quickly and simply as possible.
These things are
1) What does this person do right now?
2) What are they capable of doing?
3) What do they want to do?
4) Do any of these things match what I'm looking for?
It may seem obvious, but many people simply don't put this information on their CV and instead fill it with long and clever phrases or extracts from their job description which actually say nothing relevant!
Recruiters, not known for their levels of concentration or their attention span, will want to know the important things about you as quickly as possible, and if a CV does not tell them exactly that in the first few seconds then they usually stop reading and move on to the next one.
Just like speed-dating only quicker and with even less influence!
First base.
Your first opportunity to set the scene is with a strong profile at the beginning of the CV which clearly, concisely and convincingly tells the reader all these things.
The reaction we are aiming for here is not necessarily “Wow!” but more like “at last!” or “hurray!”. “Wow” is good, but remember you will have to live up to and exceed that expectation in interview, so we need to balance magnificence with realism.
Second base.
Once the recruiter is safely through the profile they then encounter the skills summary, which should be a bold portrayal of your key skills i.e. the things you are known for being good at.
It should not just consist of “Communication skills”, “Team player”, and “People person” but more substantial,
job-related items such as “Project Management”, “Customer Service”, or “People Management” which give an indication of what you do.
Third base.
Hopefully by now we are getting somewhere and the recruiter will be reading your employment history,
probably the largest part of the document.
However there is nothing more certain of ending your flourishing relationship with the recruiter than including sections from your official job description. These only describe function and nothing personal to you, and never make interesting reading.
Keep their interest alive by including some achievements, examples of things you have accomplished and that you are proud of in your job, but do keep them focused on the task in hand. If there are too many that are unrelated to your day-to-day role then the reader will be given the impression that you are always going off and doing something else.
What does yours say?
It can be useful to get an objective view of how your CV looks from an unrelated third party, who can check that it says what it should and sells you in the most effective way.
Who better than an experienced, professional CV writer to give their professional opinion on whether your CV gives enough compelling reasons why you should be interviewed, or whether you will never hear from that prospective employer again.
If it needs work you could ask the professional to put it right for you quickly and cheaply so your next application will not be wasted!
So before you send it to anyone else get your CV checked out by going to www.domycv.com and clicking on FREE advice and checking; not only will you receive a free, comprehensive report on the strength of your CV but also you can download free advice on how to write a CV.
These are free services, and you would only need to pay anything if you asked to have your CV written or re-written - there is absolutely no obligation whatsoever.